Seacliff Primary takes a technology leap!
With most children already back in classrooms for Term 2, it is great to see plenty of our ICT professional learning from Term 1 being used. Originally we were exploring this in preparation for students ‘Learning at Home’. However, popping into classrooms, I’ve witnessed students working with Class Notebook, participating with classmates at home through Zoom, Webex and Teams, completing video tasks/activities on SeeSaw, using Education Perfect online for Japanese, sharing information with teachers via LearnLink accounts and collaborating with peers using OneNote.
Below are just a few examples…
In Performing Arts, students working at school and at home were able to share work and discuss the class activities through the use of Webex. Bringing students into the classroom via Webex fostered their understanding of the tasks and helped them feel more connected with their peers.
Japanese for Year 3-7 is now online using Education Perfect. Students use their LearnLink email address to access the program. Tasks are set each week and are due to be completed by Friday 5pm. Students and families are emailed when a new task is able to be accessed. There has been a very positive uptake already with 85% of our students accessing the site at school or at home! We will continue to use this program for learning this year!
The Year 6 students from Room 13 and 19 have enjoyed working together in Room 13 for Term 2 Week 1. We have had smaller numbers of students present at school allowing us to work from the one classroom. This has meant we have been able to fully support those students working from home. It has been a great learning experience for both teachers and students at home and school, working on Microsoft Teams as our online learning platform. We have been able to have video calls each day checking in with the students at home, ensuring they are completing the work set for them. To begin our class novel study, we did not want students at home to miss out. We began reading Matilda in class with students at home enjoying the story, tuned in via a Microsoft Team video call. Students attending school have also been able to work on Microsoft Teams, learning how to upload assignments and access different materials. This has been a great learning experience for them and will be useful moving forward for continuous assessment.