Learning and working towards a sustainable future
The Year 3 and the Year 3 and 4 classes from Seacliff Primary continue their collaborative focus upon Sustainability, with the input of parents, grandparents and community personnel.
On September 2nd, Jeremy Gramp, from Green Adelaide, trained twenty students from Rooms 6, 17 and 18 and around fifteen parents and grandparents in practices related to Sustainability.
The following week, on September 9th, those Student Leaders and parents led ninety students through investigations at Oaklands Wetlands about indigenous plants, native birds, water turgidity and salinity and aquatic invertebrates.
This excursion was related to earlier training related to Aboriginal Histories and Cultures.
The three Year 3 and 4 classes have continued to meet at school in the last couple of weeks, designing rubbish traps to keep water free of litter and planning appropriate actions to protect our environment and waterways.
Year 3s from Room 17 have shared their student-initiated Sustainability investigations, sharing their findings and convincing others to be involved in care of our natural environment.
Some Year 3s have independently initiated their own PowerPoint displays which they presented to the other classes, and through which they persuaded others to take responsible action in environmental care and the supporting of native species.
The current Oaklands Wetlands focus is related to our earlier training by Jeremy Gramp and student-led investigations around Kingston Park Beach, with a focus upon the Tjilbruke Springs area with Aboriginal Community Education Officers, and our tree-planting project with Holdfast Bay Council and Trees for Life at Brighton Beach.
Through these ongoing projects, we hope that vibrant networks are being set up between our school community and community groups responsible for promoting environment care, that engagement with elements of Aboriginal culture is being promoted, that Student Voice is being amplified by child control over actions and outcomes and that students are being encouraged to follow their love of nature and their conviction to care for it, and to know how to do this, into the future.