Room 16 – Life’s a Cycle
Room 16 has been really excited about our science learning this term. Our focus has been on living things, what they need to survive, and their life cycles.
We have been enjoying observing our vegetables, herbs, and flowers grow. We make sure they have plenty of sunlight and we give them water every day. It was less than a week before we began to see some of them grow, although, other plants are taking longer.
We have really enjoyed having Aqua Dragons in the classroom. We set up our Aqua Dragon tanks in pairs and tipped the eggs into the water. They hatched immediately… but were too small to see. We make sure the water temperature is not too hot and not too cold, and pump air into the water using a pipet. Our Aqua Dragons eat algae. We make sure we do not overfeed them! We enjoy watching them swim around and we hope they grow bigger soon and maybe start to reproduce.
In writing lessons, we began looking at non-fiction books on different animals. We started to notice lots of features that non-fiction books have including headings, photographs, captions, diagrams, life cycles and fun facts. We decided on an animal we wanted to write about and added different features to our information reports. We are very proud of our finished copies.