WARNING: Skipping is contagious at Seacliff Primary School!
Wow! What a great start to our Jump Rope for Heart program. All classes have been developing their skipping skills in PE lessons and our skipping ropes are ALL being used in the yard at recess and lunch. I have been so impressed with the student’s fast development and it is lovely to see how eager they are to participate in this program.
Thank you to everyone who has helped their child create a fundraising page and donated to the Heart Foundation. Our original goal was to raise $1000 but before the end of week 1 we had already completed our goal. We then aimed to raise $5000 which we completed by week 2. Now we are aiming high to raise $10,000 which we can hopefully complete by the end of term. You can track our total school fundraising with the link below:
If you have any questions about Jump Rope for Heart please feel free to contact myself.
Emily Mooney-Doe