Rooms 6, 13 & 17 – Sustainability Investigations
Students and Parents Lead Beach Sustainability Investigations
Recently, fourteen parents and grandparents from our school community, along with twenty Student Leaders from Rooms 6, 13 and 17 were trained by Education Officer, Jeremy Gramp, from Green Adelaide, in Sustainability practices.
These parents and students then led Coastal Care investigations at Kingston Park during a beach excursion for three classes on Thursday, March the 11th.
This has been part of a Sustainability focus that Mrs. Cameron’s Year 4 & 5 class, Mr. Schiller’s Year 3 class and Miss Chelsea’s Year 3 & 4 class have been collaborating upon.
During the beach excursion, students investigated which types of plants and creatures survive in different zones closer to or further away from the water, examined soil samples from different zones, identified plants and creatures washed up on the beach, imaginatively created their own creature that was somehow adapted to survive in the area and designed their own anti-erosion invention.
Thanks so much to all the parents and grandparents for being involved and to Jeremy Gramp for his guidance and input. Also, congratulations to the Student Leaders and other class members for what they have achieved.
This venture is related to Seacliff Primary’s Sustainability priority.