Room 16 – A Subject Smorgasbord!
During this term, Room 16 have been participating in some exciting learning over multiple subject areas.
In Writing, we are working on our Illustration Study. We have looked through library books to see what other illustrators have done to make their pictures stand out. We have taken notice of colour, background details, characters (facial expressions and body language), motion lines and pictures that have been zoomed in or zoomed out. We have enjoyed creating our own stories through our illustrations. Here are some pictures we have drawn so far.
In Maths, we have been engaging in ‘Number Talks’ in problem solving.
As a class we have been looking at a problem-solving question and breaking it down together to work out the important bits of information.
We then talk to each other about how we might solve this problem and give each other different ideas on how to start.
It has been great to see how much we have improved in confidence when working with each other. We have loved sharing our answers and seeing different ways some of the questions can be solved.
We joined our Room 19 buddies to design and create a Friendliness Board Game, focusing on our school value of Community and Working Together. In partners, we chose what kind of board game we wanted to create. A lot of us have designed a game that involves taking a ‘friendly/kindness’ card to show how we can include others or take care of one another. It has been really great to work with our buddies; we get along so well!
During Physical Sciences we have been designing and creating some of our own chain reactions after learning about ‘Rube Goldberg’ machines. These machines are designed to perform a chain reaction to complete a simple task, for example, pushing in a chair or closing a door.
We started by designing our chain reaction in our books, thinking about the different materials we could use. We then made our designs and tested them to see if they would work.
We had fun watching our chain reactions and trying to make them better, especially if they failed. We used lots of persistence and resilience to work together and make our chain reactions successful.